This blog depicts dogs so undeserving of the good name of dog that their proud wolf ancestors howl in outrage and protest from the hereafter

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Crap dwarf biscuit

Wikipedia says this is a Griffon Bruxellois but it is actually Gimli, son of Glóin's mid-morning snack

Sunday, 27 July 2008

French riviera crap dog

The matching of pink collar to pink cuddly toy would be an admirable effort at coordination, if this were a little girl.

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Maltese by popular request

Appearances can be deceptive. This dog is not Gandalf the White. It is not pure, powerful, old or wise. It is crap.

Real dogs don't melt at room temperature

This dog isn't waving, it is drowning in crap.

Crap Viennese anti dog crap dogs

Real dogs poo where they please.

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Crap floating dog

Can't swim, might get wet

Crap wig dog covers cute. This blog speaks only to crap.

Crap dog on a train

Locomotive lapdog

Crap Slovakian dog

Spotted in a bag on a bus in Bratislava