This blog depicts dogs so undeserving of the good name of dog that their proud wolf ancestors howl in outrage and protest from the hereafter

Friday, 22 February 2008

Hairless rat terrier

The hint's in the name. Hairless. Rat. Even the twisted breeder who came up with these realised they were crap.

And, as the photo shows, they can reproduce.


  1. oh. and they let it have babies! gads!

  2. I've got one of these. He's awesome.

  3. Awesome dogs.

  4. Hahahahahahaha! Bigots are funny!

  5. You don't even know the history of this dog! These are NOT designer dogs. I have one and his is great! Looks like more comments agree with me. Ha Maybe your thinking of your self- or you don't like dogs in general.

  6. I had a dog for 7 years and he was my best friend. A couple of weeks ago,
    the doctor told me I was allergic to dogs and my parents had him put to sleep. Hairless dogs are still dogs, and for some people its the only pet they can have. So, whatever point you're trying to make, it's not working. I suggest you shut your mouth and stop being so fucking immature.

  7. I raise the Haired Variety, but I know they all are smart, and loyal, and cute, and easy to train, and calm, and just perfect!
    I think the hairless variety are super cute!

  8. A dog is a dog, no matter what they look like. They are sweet souls no matter what. I've heard people voice their negative opinion on other dogs, like bulldogs, dalmations, chinese crested, beagles, pit bulls. Anyone to judge a DOG by the cover is ignorant and sick and I feel sorry for them. Hopefully you will end up completely hairless someday and someone will write a mean post about YOU.

  9. i've got to agree with the people who don't like you man. It is a cute pic though!!

  10. Somebody actually went to the trouble of setting up a blog to bash this breed, and it backfired. What a douche...I have a Mexican Hairless Terrier & A Hairless Rat Terrier. They are both so awesome & smart, no hairy mess in my house, no fleas, and the cutest personalities I've ever experienced in the dogs I have owned. Love my Hairlesses!!! Only way to go.

  11. Who are you and how do you justify your existence?

  12. This is an American hairless terrier one of the best dogs I've ever owned as matter fact my girl Sophie is laying underneath my blankets with me as I write this near the most wonderful loving intelligence sweet dogs in the world and if you don't want your American hair less and her puppies I would gladly take any or all of them in I run a Facebook group and page for this breed you can find it by looking up Aht Nakids Chat, or AHT AMERICAN HAIRLESS TERRIER.

  13. American Hairless Terriers are wonderful, loyal, loving, and fun dogs. Because of these amazing dogs many many children and adults with allergies get to fulfill the once dream of having a dog. Investigate before you bash!!!!

  14. It is called an American Hairless Terrier and these are wonderful dogs!! Maybe you should do your research and learn about what you are talking about before opening your mouth! I have 4 and they are fantastic! They are smart, loving, protective, great with people of all ages, good with dogs of any breed, and just beautiful!! I hate hate hate when people give an opinion about things they know nothing about! Straight and to the point you’re an idiot!!!

    And FYI no hog is a crap dog!!!!!

  15. Wow, thats what i call a major back fire, seems like everyone is happy with this breed, i don't own a dog, but they look kinda cool, enjoy your pets people.
