This blog depicts dogs so undeserving of the good name of dog that their proud wolf ancestors howl in outrage and protest from the hereafter

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

another ovine canine

Sheep dogs are not crap. They live purposeful lives. They cannot be mistaken for domestic sheep, either by their sheep farmer companions, or by their sheep charges. Sheep are no fools.

Dog sheep are crap. This Bedlington terrier is crap. Here the crapness is enhanced by the green grass carpet.


  1. i've been wondering if my shetland sheepdog qualifies as a crap dog because he's so cute and sissy-looking, but you (the undisputed crap dog namer), just said sheep dogs are not crap dogs. it matters not that he doesn't work as a sheepdog. sheepdog is in the name. pete thanks you for your blessing.

  2. And what's with the tail!?!?! It looks like an albino earthworm trying to escape the crap bedlington body.

  3. the bedlington has always been my least favorite of all crap dogs- because it looks like a friggin sheep- thankyou for the fine illustration of its crapiness- also sheepdogs rock!

  4. I love this site! I laugh so hard I cry at some of these.. voldemort dog is my favorite thus far


  5. So are you sponging off my name to get the hits on your site? Now that is CRAP!!!!

  6. Yes, but can it crap? Crap dogs in Antibes do the business from the back end. This one looks like Steve Bell's double ended sheep.
